Give your feedback on the 2025 - 2026 Instructional Calendar
Aledo ISD Parents and Guardians: The Aledo ISD is seeking your feedback on the proposed 2025-2026 Instructional Calendar.
The instructional calendar draft process is outlined below:
- Initial instructional calendar draft is created by the district taking into account all state requirements as well as feedback received on previous instructional calendars.
- Aledo ISD DWEIC - Districtwide Effectiveness Improvement Committee - which is composed of teacher, parent, business and community representatives from all 12 AISD campuses - reviews initial drafts, provides feedback and reaches consensus on a draft to be shared with staff and community.
- DWEIC recommended revisions are applied to the initial draft and the official calendar DRAFT is shared with DWEIC members to assist in seeking feedback.
- DWEIC members and district seek feedback from staff, teachers, parents and other stakeholders (CURRENT STEP)
- DWEIC meets and reviews all feedback and makes final recommendations for revisions.
- After revisions are considered, determined and applied as necessary, DWEIC makes the final instructional calendar recommendation to the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees.
- Trustees will consider approval of the 2025-2026 Instructional Calendar during the February 17, 2025, regular board meeting after first discussing it during the January 21, 2025, regular board meeting.